• 2021-04-14
    Romantic writers take it as a strong belief in the importance of nature.
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      Which of the following is NOT celebrated by Romantic writers? A: Human experience B: Nature C: Feelings D: Intellect

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      The<br/>Romantic writers would focus on all the following issues EXCEPT<br/>the_______in the American literary history. A: individual<br/>feeling B: survival<br/>of the fittest C: strong<br/>imagination D: return<br/>to nature

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      Man is not only a ______ in nature but also a ______ of nature.

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      智慧职教: Ecological tourism is the tourism on the basis of nature, ( )on learning the nature, enjoying the nature, protecting the nature.

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      Taoism advocates that man should return to the nature, which means man should( )。 A: love the nature.,dominate the nature.,follow the order of nature.,compete with the nature.