_______________ determines the exact mass of every peptide fragment in a purified protein, which then allows the protein to be identified from a database that contains a list of every protein thought to be encoded by the genome of the organism in question.
- The exact 3D structure of a purified protein can be determined by __________ and ____________.
- Some Chinese kids eat ______ as they actually need every day. A: twice as much protein B: twice protein as much twice C: twice protein as much D: protein as twice much
- Americans eat ________ as they actually need every day; they actually waste almost half of what they take in daily. A: twice as much protein B: protein as much twice C: twice protein as much D: protein as twice much
- protein from food or a protein
- When an enzyme protein is purified and assayed step by step, _____________________________________ with each step. A: oth activity and total protein generally increase B: activity increases but total protein generally decreases C: oth activity and total protein generally decrease D: activity decreases but total protein generally increases