Covalent modifications added to a protein’s amino acid side chains can control the location and function of the protein and can serve as docking sites for other proteins.
- Many proteins can be grouped into protein families, in which each family member has an amino acid sequence and a three-dimensional conformation that closely ________ those of the other family members.
- One can predict the amino acid sequence of a protein from the nucleotide sequence of its gene.
- More than ____ types of covalent modifications can occur in the cell, each playing its own role in regulating protein function.
- More than ___ of all well-studied proteins contain a single structural domain. The members of these single-domain families can have different amino acid sequences but fold into a protein with a similar shape.
- The region of a protein that associates with a ligand, known as its binding site, usually consists of a _____ in the protein surface formed by a particular arrangement of amino acid side chains.