• 2022-06-28
    conference proceedings
  • 会议论文集


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      在英文数据库检索时,被描述为"Conference"或"Proceedings"的文献为( )。 A: 期刊文献 B: 学位论文 C: 会议文献 D: 图书文献

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      “女士们、先生们,此次大会在全体与会代表的共同努力下,已圆满完成各项议程”的正确译法是______( ) A: Ladies and gentleman, the current conference has completed the agenda with the concerted efforts of all the delegates here. B: Ladies and gentleman, the current conference has successfully completed the proceedings with the joint efforts of all the representatives here.

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      George would certainly have attended the proceedings, _________ .

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      The purpose of minutes is to record the proceedings of a meeting and keep it permanently.