• 2021-04-14
    In Memoriam is often regarded as the most important of ______'s longer poems. It started as ______ in memory of Arthur Hallam and grew into a full expression of the poet's ______ and ______ view.
  • Alfred Tennyson  elegy  philosophical  religious


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      In following statements about Longfellow, which one is incorrect? A: After his death, he was buried in the Poet's Corner of Westminster Abbey in London. B: He is the most popular American poet in the 19th century. C: In Longfellow’s poems, there is always a strong feeling of optimism. D: Longfellow’s poems have a great influence in America's artistic and popular culture and always quoted even by speakers not knowing who wrote them.

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      3. The poems collected in Songs of Innocence express the poet’s _____________, even in the face of ________ and suffering.

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      Money is important ( ) it’s not the most important thing.

    • 3

      Du Fu, the “Immortal of Poems” , has been regarded as the greatest romantic poet in Chinese literature. ( )

    • 4

      A person’s education is aspect of his life. A: most important B: the most important C: important D: more important