8. 构象(conformation)
- Screwy conformation A: 平面锯齿形构象 B: 螺旋形构象 C: 伸直链构象 D: 交叉链构象
- The active pharmacodynamic conformation of flexible small molecules is generally A: Conformation in the lattice B: Conformation in a vacuum C: A local low energy conformation D: Solution conformation
- For ethane, staggered conformation is favored over eclipsed conformation
- a-D-(+)-葡萄糖与b-D-(+)-葡萄糖之间的关系为 A: 对映异构体 B: 异头物(anomers) C: 构象异构体(conformation) D: 官能团异构体
- With rotation of single carbon bond in ethane, eclipsed or staggered conformation will appear alternatively. Which conformation has higher potential energy? ___________ conformation