• 2021-04-14
    The negative events that could occur are weighed against a() metric to measure the ()of the event occurring.
  • probability  likelihood


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      If the outcome of event A is not affected by event B, then events A and B are said to be:() A: mutually exclusive. B: statistically independent. C: collectively exhaustive.

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      中国大学MOOC: Which of the following events/accidents is a force majeure event? ( )

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      "We have some accidents on this line, but no accidents ______ since last winter." A: had occurred B: have occurred C: occur D: are occurring

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      "We have some accidents on this line, but no accidents ______ since last winter." A: had occurred occurring B: have occurred C: occur D: are

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      在编写Flume拦截器代码中,实现 Interceptor需要重写( )方法 A: public List<Event> intercept(List<Event> events) 处理多个 Event,在这个方法中调用 Event intercept(Event event) B: initialize 初始化 C: public Event intercept(Event event) 处理单个 Event D: close 方法