• 2022-06-28
    M: The meeting starts at 9: 00.W: Don’t worry. We still have ten minutes, to go. What time is it now()
    A: 8:50.
    B: 9:00.
    C: 9:10.
  • A


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      What time does the woman ask the man to come to the office A: At 9:00 on Tuesday. B: At 9: 00 on Wednesday. C: At 10:00 on Wednesday.

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      M: What time is it nowF: It’s ten to five. What is the time now() A: 10:05. B: 4:50. C: 5:10.

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      W: It’s ten o’clock. I’m going to have to be leaving.M: Leaving AlreadyW: Yes. I’ve got to get up early tomorrow.M: Ok. Stop over again sometime. What time was it(). A: 10:00. B: 11:00. C: 9:00.

    • 3

      What time will they go to the museum A: 9:05. B: B. 8:45. C: C. 9:10.

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      M: When’s the show supposed to startW: Don’t worry. It won’t start until 10:30. We’ve still got 20 minutes. What’s the time now(). A: 10:10 B: 10:20 C: 10:30