• 2021-04-14
    A reductio ad absurdum is a demonstration that
  • a particular premise implies some absurd conclusion.


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      中国大学MOOC: The police must be of the date of the demonstration in advance.

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      Chinese Kung-fu was only presented as a demonstration sport in the 1936 Berlin games.

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      Coffee is served during the morning break to delegates attending the product demonstration A: Coffee will be available during the meeting if requested.B. There is a coffee break for participants during the morning.C. Delegates can see a product demonstration while they have coffee.

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      在指令“ADDR,Ad”中,源操作数在前,目的操作数在后,该指令执行的操作是( ) A.((R))+(Ad)→(Ad) B.((R))+((Ad))→Ad C.(R)+((Ad))→(Ad) D.((R))+(Ad)→Ad

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      Providing a visual or physical demonstration and providing different contexts can be seen as the ways to ______ .