• 2021-04-14
    It is believed that human biological systems are constantly in an interaction of ever changing contending forces of both Yin and Yang, so the goal of treatment is to restore Yang and restrain Yin.
  • 内容

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      Each kind of Chinese food has its own characteristics of yin or yang. _______ foods are thin, cold and low in calories. _______ foods are rich, spicy, hot and high in calories. A: Yang; Yin B: Yin: Yang

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      In general, moxibustion is applied first to the yin channels and then to the yang channels( )

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      Which one is not true about traditional Chinese medicine? A: Diseases arise because of the disharmony of yin and yang B: Traditional Chinese Medicine aims to restore flow through balancing yin and yang. C: It uses the approach of feeling the pulse to read total state of the health. D: Food is not the treatment in traditional Chinese medicine.

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      ThecoreoftheBookofChangesisthetrigramsandhexagramsmadeupaccordingto()principles. A: yin B: yang C: bothAandB D: neitherAorB

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      What is the symbol that represents the ancient Chinese understanding of how things work? A: Yin- Yang B: Yin C: Yang D: Five Elements