• 2021-04-14
    There are three conditions necessary to create a thunderstorm: air that has a tendency towards ____ some types of lifting action, and relatively high moisture content.
  • instability


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      The Three Gorges Dam has a (high) of 186 meters.

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      What are the preset conditions of multiculturalism? A: The social tolerance is low. B: Do not judge people by their races, colors, languages, economic development, etc. C: The society has high cohesion. D: Take a negative attitude towards ethnic groups.

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      The principle of process dispersal is that the processing content is dispersed into many operations, and each operation has less processing content.

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      6. This offer is a _____, which has some exchanges of terms and conditions in a certain time limit.

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      16. Mechanical lifting of air by the upslope slant of the terrain is called _______