• 2021-04-14
    中国大学MOOC: To apply for a passport,you need to prepare the following documents: ID card, certificate of residence and photos
  • 内容

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      中国大学MOOC:"To apply for a university program in an American university, one has to prepare the following except ______. ";

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      How would you like to pay, in cash or by_______? A: credit card B: ID card C: passport D: key card

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      When you travel abroad, you need a ________ . A: passport B: check C: account D: ID

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      When you are processing the immigration formalities, what should you show to the officer?( ) A: Passport B: ID card C: Immigration card D: Your luggage tag

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      What do you have to prepare before a job interview A: an invitation card B: a piece of pape C: a CV D: a certificate