• 2021-04-14
    The dramatic irony in William Blake’s “The Chimney Sweeper” helps to draw attention to ____.
  • the ruthless exploitation of naïve children


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      William Blake is a pioneer of _______.

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      A math teacher forgot simple addition. This is an example of ______. A: verbal irony B: situational irony C: dramatic irony D: none of the above

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      To draw audience’s attention, a good speaker always shows _______ to/for his/her speech.

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      Epizeuxis is a continuous repetition for highlighting a particular feature, to draw people’s attention to it.

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      It is mentioned that Allen Ginsberg is intellectually indebted to_____. A: William Blake and William Carlos Williams B: William Blake and Walt Whitman C: Walt Whitman and William Carlos Williams D: Jack Karouac and Gary Snyder