• 2021-04-14
    Today's topic is to talk about the 1960s, we will mainly focus our attention on the events in ______.
  • America


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      We must _____ our attention on the question of reducing our cost. ( ) A: promote B: focus C: absorb D: pay

    • 1

      Which of the following expressions are expressions to signal the topic of a lecture ?A. Today, I’m going to talk about …B. We’ll look at …C. Now let me illustrate... D. Let me start with … A: Today, I’m going to talk about … B: We’ll look at … C: Now let me illustrate... D: Let me start with …

    • 2

      what's the theme of the movie?It 's mainly about _______.

    • 3

      Which of the following is not completely forbidden, but people tend to have very strong feelings about it and it's probably not a good small talk topic?

    • 4

      Usually when we talk about the ethos of a people or a nation, we specifically refer to people’s ___, ideals, __, ethics, morals, dreams, and __.