中国大学MOOC: 该小说讲述的是玄奘和尚在历经种种考验和磨难之后,成功到达西天取回真经的故事。
- 该小说讲述的是玄奘和尚在历经种种考验和磨难之后,成功到达西天取回真经的故事。 A: The story talks about the monk named Xuanzang who went through many trials and much suffering, arrived at the "Western Regions", fetched the Buddhist sutras. B: The story talks about the monk named Xuanzang who successfully arrived at the "Western Regions" to fetch the Buddhist sutras after many trials and much suffering. C: / D: /
- 该小说讲述的是玄奘和尚在历经种种考验和磨难之后,成功到达西天取回真经的故事。 A: The story talks about the monk named Xuanzang who went through many trials and much suffering, arrived at the "Western Regions", fetched the Buddhist sutras. B: The story talks about the monk named Xuanzang who successfully arrived at the "Western Regions" to fetch the Buddhist sutras after many trials and much suffering. C: / D: /
- 《西游记》是明代小说家吴承恩所著的古典神魔小说,讲述的是唐代僧人玄奘在三个徒弟的护送下赴西天取经的故事。师徒四人从都城长安出发,途径河西走廊、吐鲁番火焰山并到达印度,历经磨难,最终求得真经。-----
- 《西游记》是一部以神怪为主角的幻想喜剧,记述( )去西天取经,历经八十一难,取回真经,皆成正果的故事。
- 中国大学MOOC: 玄奘法师为了保存从西天取回的佛经而修建的塔是 。