Which of the following arteries is used to characterize an inguinal hernia as direct or indirect?
- Which of the following are the features of language used in high-context communication? A: indirect B: vague C: non-confrontational D: direct
- A 64-year-old man presents with two groin lumps, one on each side. Onexamination, the lumps have a cough impulse and are reducible but donot extend into the scrotum. A: Direct inguinal B: Epigastric C: Exomphalos D: Gastroschisis E: Hiatus F: Incisional G: Indirect inguinal H: Paraumbilical I: Spigelian J: Umbilical hernia of infants
- A 42-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with colickyabdominal pain and an abdominal lump. On examination, the lumpis in the midline just above the umbilicus and is tender to touch. A: Direct inguinal B: Epigastric C: Exomphalos D: Gastroschisis E: Hiatus F: Incisional G: Indirect inguinal H: Paraumbilical I: Spigelian J: Umbilical hernia of infants
- All of the following can be considered a direct or indirect competitor of Amazon except:
- Which of the following are the features of language used in low-context communication? A: direct B: confrontational C: explicit D: vague