• 2021-04-14
    Costa Rica suffers a __________ circle in which the voters seek new political actors who fare as badly as the old ones.
  • vicious


    • 0

      New problems _______ when old ones are solved. A: disappear B: emerge C: vanish D: die out

    • 1

      New problems when old ones are solved. A: ring out B: come to C: slam D: emerge

    • 2

      Why did all the other residents agree to move A: Because they could move into new flats with more rooms than their old ones. B. Because they liked to move into new flats. C. Because they could move into new flats not far from their old homes.

    • 3

      定义一个包含3个元素的类Circle的对象数组x,下列哪种写法是错误的?( ) A: Circle x[ ] = new Circle[3]; B: Circle [ ]x = new Circle[3]; C: Circle x[3] = new Cirlce( ); D: Circle x[ ] = { new Circle(), new Circle(), new Circle() };

    • 4

      Choose the best answer to each of the following sentences. I lost my old camera; this is a new _________ . A: one B: ones