• 2022-07-01
    A: What color do you like the best?
    B: Which color do you like the best?
    C: What is the best color for you?
    D: What color have you like the best?
  • B


    • 0

      . Which season do you like best? .

    • 1

      ---Would you like to order now, sir? ---Yes, I'd like the steak. ---OK.________. ---Medium, please. A: How do you like your steak? B: What do you think of your steak? C: How would you like your steak? D: What steak do you like best?

    • 2

      ——________? —— I’d like to buy a pair of leather shoes. A: What can I do for you? B: How much do they cost? C: What size do you take? D: What color do you take?

    • 3

      Which do you like _____, tea or milk? A: the best B: better C: the better D: best

    • 4

      Excuse me,what color would you like