In Episode 4, we described how the world...来帮助我们解决这些复杂与模棱两可的东西?
- InEpisode4,wedescribedhowtheworldiscomplexandambiguous:weoftendon'thaveenoughinformationtomakeaninformeddecision,feedbackisoftenterrible,andevenifwecouldcalculateananswer,wedon'thavetime.Butdespiteallofthis,westillhavetomakedecisions.</p>在第4章,我们已经描述了这个世界是怎样的复杂与模糊,很多时候我们没有足够的信息来做出一个充分的决定,而且结果往往很糟糕。就算我们可以计算出一个答案,我们却没有足够的时间。但是放开这些不谈,我们仍然需要作出决定。</p>Whatdowehavetorelyontohelpnavigatethiscomplexityandambiguity?</p>我们必须依赖什么来帮助我们解决这些复杂与模棱两可的东西?</p>
- 违反排中律的逻辑错误有 A: 混淆概念 B: 模棱两可 C: 非此非彼 D: 模棱两不可
- 属于概念划分错误的有 A: 划分不全 B: 划分标准不同一 C: 模棱两可 D: 模棱两不可 E: 混淆概念
- In this episode, we described a channel factor as an aspect of the situation that bridges between an intention and action and has a major impact on behavior. In Milgram's obedience study, a channel factor was the "gradual escalation" of shocks. In the Good Samaritan study, "time to help" was critical. Which of the following aspects is a channel factor that we described in the case of organ donation?
- How many different kinds of languages do we have in the world these days?