• 2021-04-14
    A newborn infant had trouble breathing at birth. The infant was 3 months premature. The physicians treated the infant with a solution, which was directly injected into the lungs. Within seconds, the infant responded with much improved breathing. A major component of this solution is which one of the following?
  • Dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine


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      After the birth of her first child, a 19-year-old woman breast-fed the infant for about 1 year. Which of the following processes that occurred in the breast during pregnancy allowed her to breast-feed the infant? A: Stromal hypertrophy B: Lobular hyperplasia C: Epithelial dysplasia D: Intracellular accumulation of fat E: Ductal epithelial metaplasia

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      The first Christmas gifts were birthday gifts that __________________________________________________. A: the Virgin Mary brought to the infant Jesus B: the Mother of God brought to the infant Jesus C: the King brought to the infant Jesus D: the three Wise Men brought to the infant Jesus

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      Which are not special population?( ) A: Worker B: Pregnant woman C: Infant D: Athlete

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      By age 7 months, an infant most likely will develop which of the following motor skill A: Walk with one hand held. B: Eat successfully with a spoon. C: Stand while holding onto furniture. D: Sit alone using the hands for support.

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      The quality of life in a country would be demonstrated by the A: death rate and total fertility rate. B: life expectancy and infant mortality rate. C: total birth rate and death rate. D: total fertility rate and birth rate. E: birth rate and infant mortality rate.