To present some factual information, especially about scientific methods and findings, the speaker uses these expressions. I. Statistics show II. Data illustrate… III. Research indicates… IV. Tests demonstrate…
- 身体语言包括了什么?() I.肢体动作 II.面部表情 III.眼神 IV.声调 A: I B: II,III C: IV D: I,II,III,IV
- When a speaker needs to show numbers and statistics in proportions, ratio or scale, he usually uses the expressions of “a ratio of”, “proportion of”, “ on a scale of “ etc. These expressions are used to present _______. </p> </p>
- 开立证券账户的基本原则包括()。I.盈利性II.合理性III.合法性IV.真实性 A: III、IV B: II、III C: I、II D: I、III
- 下列属于间接融资的是()。I.商业信用II.国家信用III.消费信用IV.银行信用 A: I、II、III、IV B: I、II C: III、IV D: I、II、III
- 债券投资面临的主要风险包括()。I.信用风险 II.利率风险 III.通胀风险 IV.再投资风险 A: I、II、III B: I、II、III、IV C: I、II、IV D: II、III、IV