Analysts say the country needs to adopt the 2010 budget to 00a0 00a0 00a000a0 cooperation with the IMF and pay for natural gas imports from Russia.
- Analysts say the country needs to adopt the 2010 budget to cooperation with the IMF and pay for natural gas imports from Russia.
- On00a0July00a0600a02019,00a0which00a0Archaeological00a0Site00a0of00a0China00a0was00a0declared00a0a00a0World00a0Heritage00a0Site00a0by00a0UNESCO?00a000a000a000a0(00a0)
- 中国人民解放军诞生于( )。 A: 1949/8/1 0:00:00 B: 1949/10/1 0:00:00 C: 1927/8/1 0:00:00 D: 1921/7/1 0:00:00
- 铁路旅客输送日计划按( )编制 A: 0:00~24:00 B: 18:00~18:00 C: 0:00~18:00 D: 0:60~0:18
- 中国人民解放军火箭军成立于( )。 A: 1927/8/1 0:00:00 B: 1949/4/1 0:00:00 C: 1949/11/1 0:00:00 D: 2015/12/1 0:00:00