• 2021-04-14
    With the application of the Internet, you can easily ________ an offer to anyone qualified and interested to participate in the program.
  • extend


    • 0

      lf companies are lining up to offer you a job, are they (a) not interested, or (b) all interested?

    • 1

      We are not in a position to offer, as the goods you are interested in are_____.

    • 2

      Passage One Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. A: A recreational program. B. An educational program. B: C. A program for cartoons. D. A program for commercials.

    • 3

      After the Summer Camp Program, you may learn _______ well if you are interested in design.

    • 4

      If you are interested in singing, you can join ________.