• 2021-04-14
    2. The types of science fiction mentioned in the lecture are ____.
  • time travel, artificial life and the threat of alien invasion.


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      science fiction movie

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      A Tale of Two Cities is a ______. A: non-fiction B: supernatural fiction C: science fiction D: historical fiction

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      Was The History of Mr. Polly a science fiction?

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      ​Translate types of films into Chinese‎​action film ___________‎​adventure film __________‎​animated film __________‎​cartoons __________‎​comedy ___________‎​documentary film ___________‎​drama _____________‎​horror film ____________‎​romance/ love story ___________‎​science fiction film ___________‎​‎

    • 4

      It would appear that the public Sagan hopes to attract ______. A: are interested in UFO spotting B: are only interested in science fiction C: are unable to write science fiction D: have a reasonable grounding in science