Most interjections are short words or short
- Most interjections are short words or short(1.0分) A: phrases B: statements
- Which type of the following words is the most forceful ones in a speech? A: Short words B: Complicated words C: Direct words D: Specific words
- What is the American Dream, in a few short words?
- 中国大学MOOC: Compound-complex sentences can keep readers focused on one step at a time, while short words, short sentences, and short paragraphs may create confusion.
- BBC, short for _____, is the most watched domestic channel in the UK.
- 0
Use short sentences with correct words (avoid ambiguous wording and use precise words instead of almost-precise words).
- 1
Most interjections
- 2
INCOTERMs is a short form for ______ , which is developed by ICC and the most recent edition is ______ .
- 3
Where did O. Henry get most material for his short stories?
- 4
10. _________a short book giving all the most important information about a subject.