• 2021-04-14
    Why is he accused of doing animal research?
  • Because he is thought of having no moral compass: he tortures innocent animals for his career advancement and his experiments have nothing to do with medicine.


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      He has just finished his research paper on animal communication.新总裁天生善于交际。

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      中国大学MOOC: The author was drawn to medical research because he wanted to gain career development by means of animal research.

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      3. communicator, communicative, communicationa. The new president is a talented ______________.b. He has just finished his research paper on animal _____________.

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      I have often seen him ( ) upon the moon and stars for hours. Why do you think he is doing that?

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      He was busy ____ his homework. A: doing B: to do C: that he was doing D: he was doing