• 2021-04-14
    The Children’s Jackets are priced at __________each piece.

  • USD15.00


    • 0

      上海某公司从美国某公州进口货物,货物从纽约运至上海,单价的正确表示方法为( )。 A: USD 9.00 EACH PIECE FOB SHANCHAI B: USD 9.00 EACH PIECE CIF NEW YORK C: USD 9.00 EACH PIECE FAS SHANGHAI D: USD 9.00 EACH PIECE CIP SHANCHAI

    • 1

      The hungry children were in ____ of food.(Fill in each blank with “need”, “get”, “free” or “look” in the word’s proper form.)

    • 2

      What Prof. Jusczyk found ______ the idea that children’s language instinct is innate—something each of us is born with.

    • 3

      Section CListen to the conversations and choose the best answer to each question.Conversation 1 A: Mother's Day. B: Children's Day. C: Father's Day. D: National Day.

    • 4

      3. According to the man, how was symmetry created in the art piece? A: There is a balance of shapes on both sides of the piece. B: The line draws the eye up to the focal point. C: The artist balances the dark colors with this bright yellow-orange. D: The piece has beautiful line and symmetry.