• 2021-04-14
    If you are not satisfied with the room the receptionist recommended, you may say

  • Could you show me something less expensive?


    • 0

      When you have to ask sb. for help, you may say ________

    • 1

      To say you are sorry and admit wrongdoing may make the injured party believe you. To say you are sorry and admit wrongdoing may make the injured party believe you. To say you are sorry and admit wrongdoing may make the injured party believe you.

    • 2

      When you attend your friend’s graduation ceremony, you may say? _____

    • 3

      You want to decide the time with your friend to go shopping, you may say:_______

    • 4

      If you are too nervous when you speak, you may look at the ceiling of the room instead of looking at your audience.