• 2021-04-14
    ( 00a0 ) is a nine-line stanza of eight lines of iambic pentameter plus an iambic hexameter.
  • Spenserian stanza


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      _____ ______ refers to lines of iambic pentameter in rhyming in pairs.

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      Iambic Pentameter lines of poetry contain 5 feet. ( )

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      In English poetry, the two rhymed lines of iambic pentameter are called ______. A: heroic couplet B: quatrain C: Spenserian stanza D: terza rima

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      Poetry of unrhymed iambic pentameter lines is known as free verse.

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      With the exception of the 7th and 8th lines, the poem of “Song” is written in . A: iambic tetrameter B: trochaic tetrameter C: iambic pentameter