• 2021-04-14
    The headmaster wanted the classroom building () as soon as possible.
  • to be set up


    • 0

      希望贵方尽快报价。 A: The offer should be made by you as soon as possible. B: We hope that you can make the offer as soon as possible. C: You are supposed to make an offer as soon as possible. D: It's hoped that the offer is made as soon as possible.

    • 1

      as soon as possible

    • 2

      The most important part of cardiopulmonary resuscitation is: A: Call for help as soon as possible B: High quality CPR C: Defibrillation as soon as possible D: Starting advanced life support as soon as possible

    • 3

      Write the apology letter as soon as possible.

    • 4

      As soon as he _______ at the classroom, the class became quiet.