• 2021-04-14
    1 Self-enhancement style emphasizes the importance of _________ about one’s accomplishments and abilities.

  • boasting


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      The Puritan definition of good writing emphasizes the importance of worshipping ______ .

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      The Americans belong to A: low-context culture B: indirect communication style C: self-enhancement communication style D: status-oriented communication style.

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      (1) Dialects refer to __________ differences and these differences can be national, regional or local .(2). One’s social background does influence one’s choice of linguistic forms and one’s language reveals one’s __________. In this aspect, __________ is an important marker of sociolect.(3) Socialects also refer to one’s style according to the communicative situation: __________ and __________.

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      In one of my first articles ( ) on LinkedIn, I wrote about the importance of public speaking to every leader.

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      给下列句子选出正确的英文翻译:一个人的风格比时尚更重要。 A: One’s style is more important than fashion. B: One’s style is important . C: Fashion is more important than style. D: One’s style and fashion are important.