关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 公告:维护QQ群:833371870,欢迎加入!公告:维护QQ群:833371870,欢迎加入!公告:维护QQ群:833371870,欢迎加入! 2021-04-14 With the Chinese idiom “一叶知秋”, we know t... ________ of autumn. With the Chinese idiom “一叶知秋”, we know t... ________ of autumn. 答案: 查看 举一反三 With the Chinese idiom “一叶知秋”, we know that the falling of one leaf may herald the ________ of autumn. The Chinese idiom “ 羊羔跪乳 ” tells us that we should always show gratitude to our teachers. “()一叶落天下尽知秋”。“柽柳花妍莫与俦,白杨风惨易悲秋……”。 I didn't know if we ___________________. We don’t know ________ next.