• 2021-04-14
    Why does Alice come to Bill's office?
  • To ask some questions.


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      Listen again and answer the questions. 1. Why does Bill’s Mom suggest he take nasal spray and some lozenges? 2. What do you think the lotion is used for? 3. Why doesn‘t Bill take mouthwash?

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      feff“Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday?” “I________, but I had an unexpected visitor.”

    • 2

      Bill couldn't () an answer when the teacher asked him why he was late. A: come up with B: come over C: come on D: come up to

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: Why does Katherine Watson come to Wellesley?

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      Why does the “home-grown” terrorism come into being in the well-developed Western countries?