• 2021-04-14
    Who is the god of craftsmanship?
  • Hephaestus


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      Who is the god of wine? A: Zeus B: Prometheus C: Apollo D: Dionysus

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      ‎自助者天助 ‎‎译文:God helps those who help themselves.‎

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      Who is the old man? A: A troll B: God C: Satan D: Archangel Michael

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      Who is the founder of Buddhism? A: Confucious B: Sakymuni C: Amitabha D: God of Mercy

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      In Greek mythology, Hades is the god of the underworld. He owns the three-headed dog Cerberus, who acts somewhat as a ______ of the underworld. A: guardian B: leader C: god D: fighter