• 2021-04-14
    Incision of the renal pelvis to remove a stone is called ________.

  • pyelolithotomy


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      From inside to outside, the arranging order of renal envelop is A: fibrous capsule, fatty renal capsule and renal fascia B: fibrous capsule, renal fascia and fatty renal capsule C: renal fascia, fatty renal capsule and fibrous capsule D: renal fascia, fibrous capsule and fatty renal capsule

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      Formation of protourine in ________. A: renal medulla B: renal pyramid C: renal cortex D: renal papilla

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      ______ can occur in late shock () A: Prerenal acute renal failure B: Renal acute renal failure C: Chronic renal diseases D: Chronic renal failure E: Normal renal function

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      Surgical incision of the eardrum is called____

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      The formation site of primary urine is :() A: Renal corpuscle B: Renal tubule C: Collecting duct D: Renal corpuscle and renal tubule E: Renal tubule and collecting duct