• 2021-04-14
    Intestinal villus
  • 即肠绒毛,是由上皮和固有层向肠腔突起形成。表面是单层柱状上皮,中轴是固有层结缔组织,其内有中央乳糜管,还有丰富的毛细血管,吸收细胞吸收的单糖、氨基酸由此入血,此外还有少量的平滑肌细胞,其收缩利于淋巴和血液运行。


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      The thoracic duct begins at the ? right lumbar trunk|cisterna chyli|left lumbar trunk|intestinal trunk

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      after digestion and absorption of food fats, the resembled lipids in intestinal mucosal cells need ( ) to transport to blood, then to liver.

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      Which of the following is a germ cell? A: cells of the gonads B: intestinal cells C: sperm and eggs D: zygotes

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      The word "enteroid" means _______________. A: an intestinal hernia B: hernia of the rectum C: resembling intestine D: resembling stomach

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      which can increase the digestion of protein? A: pepsin B: bile C: small intestinal juice D: pancreatic juice