• 2021-04-14
    The Meridian Gate has five openings with the central passage reserved for the emperor alone.
  • 正确


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      Passage 3 (22-25)Which of the ...ants to drive alone?

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      According to Chinese mythology, Five Grains were discovered by Shennong, the legendary emperor of China.

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      中国大学MOOC: According to the pairing-uprelationship of five elements and Five Shu(Transport) points五输穴与五行的配属关系,what is the attribution of five elements (五行属性)of Chize (LU5) in Lung meridian of hand-taiyin?

    • 3

      ‍What is the main entrance to the Forbidden City?‌ A: Meridian Gate. B: The Gate of Divine Might. C: The Eastern Flowery Gate. D: The Western Flowery Gate.

    • 4

      The dog is missing. He shouldn't have let the dog go out of the house alone. The possible meaning of the sentence is:____ A: He is being praised for he has let the dog go out of the house alone. B: He is being asked to let the dog go out of the house alone. C: He is being complained for he has let the dog go out of the house alone. D: He is being expected to find the dog that has gone out of the house alone.