• 2021-04-14
    You’d better ___________ a pair of roller skates.
  • pick up


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      中国大学MOOC: If you want to ask your friend to help you choose between a pair of boots and a pair of loafers, you may say

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      The more you practice, ______ you will be. A: well B: the best C: the better D: omuch better

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      翻译:Do you have a pair of glasses?

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      It’s believed that ________ you work, ________ result you’ll get. A: the harder; the better B: the more hard; the more better C: the harder; a better D: more hard; more better

    • 4

      It is believed that _______ you work, ________ progress you will make.(1.0) A: A) the harder; the better B: B) the more harder; the better C: C) more hard; more better D: D) the more hard; the better