• 2021-04-14
    A decrease in the expected rate of inflation will _________ the expected return on bonds relative to that on _________ assets.
  • raise; real


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      预期收益率(expected return rate

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      Expected future spot rates are based on relative inflation rates between two countries

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      In the event of a 1% fall in the market rate, the return on the stock is expected ________. (降低不到1%). A: decrease by less than 1 percent B: decrease by at least 1 percent C: to decrease by less than 1 percent D: to decrease by at least 1 percent

    • 3

      Assume the following:·The real risk-free rate of return is 3%.·The expected inflation premium is 5%.·The market-determined interest rate of a security is 12%.The sum of the default risk premium, liquidity premium, and maturity premium for the security isclosestto: A: 10%. B: 4%. C: 8%.

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      The expected return rate of A stock is 8%, the risk-free return rate is 4%, and the variance of A stock is 4%, then the Sharpe ratio of A stock is A: 0.2 B: 1 C: 2 D: 0.4