• 2021-04-14
    Server: ______________ would you like for main course?

    Diner: Grilled New York steak.
  • What


    • 0

      Server: That’s _________ steak and __________ ice cream. Diner: That’s right.

    • 1

      What would the man like for the main course?

    • 2

      How would you like your steak, medium or well-done?

    • 3

      What would you _______ for the main course?

    • 4

      Step 1;Ask for a bill Server:Sir, would you like anything else? Diner A:No. Thank you. Could you 1___________, please. Server:Ok, a moment,please. Discuss who is going to pay (Diner A & Diner B交谈) Diner B:Be my guest. Let me 2________ the bill. Diner A:The dinner is on me. It’s my treat. Thank you for helping me out. Diner B:Don’t mention that. (服务员拿过来Bill) Step 2:Check a bill Server:Sir, here is the bill. 388 Yuan in total. Diner A:OK(看账单).3______________? Server:Oh, this is a ten percent of surcharge for service. Diner A:I see. Step 3: Pay a bill Server:How would you like to pay, in cash or 4_________ credit card? Diner A:In cash. (钱包里找钱) Oh, Gosh,I only got two hundred in my wallet. Do you accept mobile payment? Server:No, I am sorry. Diner B:Why don’t we split the bill? Since I only got two hundred in my pocket. Diner A:All right. Server:Do you need 5___________? Diner A:Yes, please. Server:Ok, I’ll bring you the change and receipt right away.