Xie An ( 谢安 ) renamed ________ “ 东山 ” when he retreated there as a hermit.
- The creation of the idiom 东山之志 is directly related to Xie An (谢安) in the Jin (晋) dynasty.
- 王维诗句“遂令东山客,不得顾采薇”中“东山客”指谁() A: 谢灵运 B: 谢安 C: 谢道韫 D: 谢朓
- “但用东山谢安石,为君谈笑静胡沙”,这是李白的诗句,在诗中,李白将自己比作() A: 范蠡 B: 鲁仲连 C: 王导 D: 谢安
- 在“东山再起”这个典故中,“东山”是指主人公()的隐居之地。 A: 谢安 B: 孙权 C: 曹操 D: 王羲之
- He endured agonies before he finally expired .() A: fired B: resigned C: died D: retreated