Yad Vashem Holocaust is the only one memorial to remember the Holocaust in the world.
- Marked by mass deaths of civilians, including the Holocaust and the only use of nuclear weapons in warfare, World War II resulted in millions of death. “Holocaust” here means _________.
- During the Second World War about 30,000 Jewish people were given the safe asylum in Shanghai by Chinese people and escaped the atrocities of the Holocaust in Europe. One of them is Ho Fengshan who rescued thousands of Jews in Austria from the Holocaust by _________.
- Markedbymassdeathsofcivilians,includingtheHolocaustandtheonlyuseofnuclearweaponsinwarfare,WorldWarIIresultedinmillionsofdeath.“Holocaust”heremeans_________.
- Some historians attribute the Holocaust to the following reasons except _________.
- The night before the Holocaust, Schindler is riding the horse on the top of the hill with _________.