• 2021-04-14
    The main infection source of epidemic type B encephalitis virus____________
  • young pig


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      ‎The main infection route of the cat mange is( )‎ A: Oral infection B: Contact infection C: Transplacental infection D: Respiratory tract infection

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      Most of the experts agree that there is virtually the _______ of sleepiness in this country. A: pandemic B: epidemic C: infection D: contagion

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      Which of the following diseases belongs to suppurative inflammation ( ) A: Lobar pneumonia B: Hair heart C: Acute phlegmonous appendicitis D: Epidemic encephalitis B

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      (single choice) Which of the following is a central nervous system infection? A: Meningitis B: Encephalitis C: Myelitis D: Ventriculitis E: All of the above

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      Which of the following inflammations is alterative inflammation?() A: Nose mucositis in early stage of cold B: Pseudomembranous inflammation C: Villous core D: epidemic encephalitis