• 2021-04-14
  • 左下


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      请问用()属性设置网页背景图像效果? A: background-color B: background-image C: background D: background-position

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      下面的选项中,哪个CSS属性有继承性( )? A: text-shadow B: background C: font-style D: position

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      In css, the background picture needs to be located in the lower left corner of the box and should be written as: ( ) A: background-image:left foot B: background-image:left bottom C: background-position:left foot D: background-position:left bottom

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      下列用于设置背景位置属性的()。 A: bcakground-image B: position C: background-position D: background-repeat

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      In css style, the meaning of background-position:-10px 20px is ( ) A: The background<br/>picture is offset by 10px to the left and 20px to the down B: The background<br/>picture is offset by 10px to the left and 20px to the top C: The background<br/>picture is offset by 10px to the right and 20px to the down D: The background<br/>picture is offset by 10px to the right and 20px to the upper