• 2021-04-14
  • n. 防护物,盾 vt. 保护,防护


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      It is the duty of servicemen to shield their country from invasion. ( ) A: 使……免受 B: 躲避 C: 遮盖 D: 逃走

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      The animals which hold the shield in the national emblem of the UK are ___________. A: Tiger B: Lion C: Dragon D: Unicorn

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      The phrase “face shield” can be translated into( ). A: 无线电接收器 B: 盾牌 C: 面罩 D: 工字梁

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      You should keep calm during your ________ test. Do not be nervous. A: oral B: platform C: rude D: shield

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      This sword was given to me as a ( ) by a veteran who had fought in Vietnam War. A: memory B: souvenir C: shield D: device