• 2022-10-26
    概念题[br][/br]现金循环时间( cash cycle time)
  • 答:现金循环时间是指从原材料货款付现到应收账款收现的全过程,即现金支出至现金回收的这段时间。一般可以把现金循环时间看成是经营周期减去应付账款周期,即现金循环时间=经营周期–应付账款周期。其中,应付账款周期是公司在购买各种资源(如工资和原材料)的过程中能够延期支付的时间长度。如果应付账款的延续期间大于生产期间与现金收回期间之和,则现金循环时间实际上是负数。


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      Which of the following is reported on the statement of cash flows? (<br/>) A: cash<br/>and cash equivalent B: wages<br/>expense C: cash paid for rent D: wages payable

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      The cash flow statement divides the cash flow of an enterprise in a<br/>certain period into three categories, they are _____. A: Cash flow from operating activities B: Cash flow from investment<br/>activities C: Cash flow from liability activities D: Cash flow from financing<br/>activities<br/>The

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