• 2022-10-27
  • The Tomb Sweeping Day is one of the most important traditional festival in China. It started from the Zhou dynasty with a history of more than 2,500 years. The Tomb Sweep Day is an important occasion for people to sweep the tombs and offer sacrifices to their ancestors. When visiting tombs, people carry wine, food, fruits and paper money. They put the food in front of the tombs, add some fresh soil to the tombs, burn paper money, kneel down in prayer and worship their ancestors, and finally eat up the food and drink the wine before going back home. Apart from sweeping the tombs, people also take part in a variety of activities , such as playing on a swing, flying kites, etc.



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      清明节的主要活动有()。 A: 扫墓祭祖 B: 荡秋千 C: 赛龙舟 D: 吃汤圆 E: 放风筝

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      现在清明节时,中国人到去世的亲人墓前会做什么?( ) A: 扫墓 B: 献花 C: 吃饭 D: 祭拜

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      清明节又叫踏青节,是中国传统节日,也是最重要的祭祀节日之一,是唯一一个与节气重合的节日。清明节的主要习俗有()等。 A: 祭祖、扫墓 B: 蹴鞠、踏青 C: 吃寒食、插柳 D: 登高、插茱萸