• 2022-10-27
    Tell the _______ that you are expecting a call from this client and to put them through.( )
    A: receptional
    B: reception
    C: receive
    D: receptionist
  • B,D


    • 0

      M: Hello. I’d like to book a single room for next Monday.W: Yes, sir. I will put you through to the reception desk. Who’s the man most likely speaking to() A: The receptionist B: The hotel manager C: The service maid D: The operator

    • 1

      You have a meeting with a client but are expecting a call. You should______.

    • 2

      Listentothedialogueforthelasttimeandfillintheblanksaccordingtowhatyouhaveheard. Receptionist:Hello,sir.MayIhelpyou? Client:Yes,Iwouldlikeasingleroomwithbathjustforacoupleofnights. Receptionist:Haveyoumadeareservation? Client:Yes,Ihave.1__________________________. Receptionist:MayIhaveyourname,please? Client:Yes,2_______________________. Receptionist:Oh,yes,Mr.Johnson.Wehaveyourreservationhere.Wouldyou pleasefilloutthisregistrationcard? Client:Certainly. Receptionist:Yourroomnumberis235,onthesecondfloor.Hereisthekey toyourroom. Client:Thankyou.WhendoIpayfortheroom? Receptionist:3____________________________. Client:Bytheway,doesthepriceincludebreakfast? Receptionist:4_________________________________________. Client:Whereisthedininghall? Receptionist:5______________________________. Client:It’sverykindofyou.Thankyouagain. Receptionist:Youarewelcome.Enjoyyourselfandhaveapleasantstay.

    • 3

      You can ask foreign guest how they would like to be called and to tell what you would like them to call you.

    • 4

      【填空题】Secretary: Mr.Smith, . Mr.Smith: Who is it? Secretary: . Mr.Smith: Tell her . Secretary:She says . Mr.Smith:All right. . A: It’s your wife. B: Put her through. C: there is a call for you. D: I’ll call her later. E: it’s urgent.