• 2022-11-02
    托收方式的当事人不包括( )。
    A: Principal
    B: Remitting Bank
    C: Collecting Bank
    D: Drawe
  • D


    • 0

      下列不属于信用证主要当事人的是 ( )。 A: applicant B: remitting bank C: opening bank D: beneficiary

    • 1

      What are the parties concerned for the Remittance? Which answer is not right? A: the remitter B: the drawer C: the remitting bank D: the paying bank

    • 2

      4.2 Which bank plays the role of accepting the commission of remitting bank to present the bill of exchange and collect the payment?

    • 3

      4.2 One of the obligations of the remitting bank is ( B ) A. B. C.

    • 4

      汇款方式的基本当事人有( )。 A: emitte B: payee C: emitting bank D: paying bank