基础货币(monetary base discount rate)
答∶基础货币亦称"货币基数"、"货币基础"、"强力货币"或"高能货币",指经过商业银行的存贷款业务而能扩张或收缩货币供应量的货币。基础货币包括商业银行存入联储的存款准备金(包括法定准备金和超额准备金)与社会公众所持有的现金之和。基础货币有四个属性∶①可控性,它是联储能调控的货币;②负债性,它是联储的负债;③扩张性,它能被联储吸收作为创造存款货币的基础,具有多倍创造的功能;④初始来源惟一性,即其增量只能来源于联储。联储通过调节基础货币的数量就能数倍打张或收缩货币供应量,因此,基础货币而构成市场货币供应量的基础。在现代银行体系中,联储对宏观金融活动的调节,主要是通过控制基础货币的数量来实现的。其具体操作过程是;当联储损高或隆低存款备金率时,各商销行要调核资产负 债m项日,相应增加或少1在I联储的法定准各企,通过货面重数的1作用,可对货面供应量产生紧缩或打张的作用。社会公众恭有现金的变动也会马起漂生存款的变化,从而影国货币供应量的扩大或缩小;当公众将现金存入年银行时,银行就时以按一一定比例(即扣除应缓准备金后)进行放款,从而在银行体系内引起一系列的存款扩张过程∶当公众从银行提取现金时,又会在银行体系内引起一系列的存款收缩过程。
- The rate of return is also called the A: discount rate only. B: discount rate and hurdle rate only. C: discount rate, hurdle rate, and opportunity cost of capital. D: discount rate and opportunity cost of capital only.
- Which of the following is not an example of expansionary monetary policy? A: An open-market purchase of securities B: A reduction in reserve ratio C: A reduction in income tax rates D: A reduction in the discount rate
- The discount rate is
- The discount rate is
- Which of the following statements is the most accurate? In general,_____________ A: the monetary approach to the exchange rate is a long run theory. B: the monetary approach to the exchange rate is a short run theory. C: the monetary approach to the exchange rate is both a short and long run theory. D: the monetary approach to the exchange rate neither long run nor short run theory. E: the monetary approach to the exchange rate is considered less practical than the law of one price.
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贴现率( discount rate)概念
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When the Fed makes an open-market sale, it:( ) A: increases the money multiplier (m). B: increases the currency-deposit ratio (cr). C: decreases the monetary base (B). D: increases the monetary base (B).
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财现率(discount rate)
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概念题:贴现率(discount rate)
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The core of the European monetary system is( )。 A: European exchange rate mechanism B: European monetary unit C: European monetary fund D: European central bank